2001 |
03/02 | 开始第一次英语社会青年查经班。 English Cell bible study group was formed. |
05/02 | 本堂扩建计划获市议会批准。 The church extension application was approved by the local council. |
11/02 | 在执事会议中成立澳洲临时年议会第三届牧师退修会、年会及妇女代表大会之筹备委员会。 An Organising Committee for the 3rd Pastor Retreat, Annual Conference, Adult & Women Conference to be held in Sydney was established. |
27-29/04 | 举办第七届家庭营,主题为“委身基督”,讲员为朱树庆牧师。 The 7th Family Camp was held and the theme talk was “Commitment to Christ” by Rev Dr Shu Ching Chu. |
24/11 | 举行十周年感恩晚宴,同时发行CD《全地唱新歌》。 We celebrated our 10th Anniversary with a thanksgiving dinner. A new CD called “Singing New Songs on This Earth” was released concurrently. |
02/12 | 举行十周年感恩崇拜兼临时年议会第三届年会闭幕典礼,讲员为陈周荣会长,同时分发十周年纪念刊。 We had our 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service. Rev Dr Michael Tan who was the speaker, presided over the closing ceremony of the third Provisional Annual Conference. The 10th Anniversary commemorative magazines were distributed to the families. |
2002 |
Feb | 教会扩建工程开工。教会委任Pastor Macindoe为英文堂牧者。 The church extension project began. Pastor Macindoe was appointed as the English pastor. He and his family left for mission in Thailand in June. |
19-21/04 | 在Grose Vale举办第八届家庭营,主题为“想福,享福”,专题为“时代焦点:中东风云”,讲员为王连进牧师。 The 8th Family Camp was held at the Grose Vale Apr Conference Centre. The theme talk was “Enjoying God’s Blessings” by Rev Paul Wong who also gave a special talk “The Holy War of Jerusalem”. |
Jun | 教会更新了福音车。同年6月,Pastor Macindoe和家人前往泰国宣教。 Church bought a new gospel van. That same month Pastor Macindoe’s family move to Thailand for Mission. |
Oct | 黄永森牧师合家抵达悉尼事奉。 Rev Dr Albert Wong and his family arrived to serve in Sydney. |
2003 |
19/01 | 林宝强牧师合家离开悉尼开始安息年假。 Rev Milton Nee and his family left Sydney for sabbatical leave. |
Feb | 本堂聘请Pastor Dale Baikie为英文牧者。同年2月,姐妹团契成立,每月聚会。 Pastor Dale Baikie was appointed as the English pastor. Sister Fellowship was formed and met once a month. |
25-27/04 | 在Mt Victoria举办第九届家庭营,主题为“同心同行”,讲员为黄永森牧师,专题是“基督教vs佛教”,讲员为刘孟萍牧师,英文专题讲员是Pastor Dale Baikie。 The 9th Family Camp was held at Eltham Park, Mt Victoria. The theme topic was “Marching in Unity” by Rev Dr Albert Wong. The special talk topic was “Christianity vs Buddhism” by Rev Mee Ping Lau. The English special talk speaker was Pastor Dale Baikie. |
2004 |
Jan | Pastor Dale Baikie合家前往印尼开始宣教事工。 Pastor Dale Baikie and his family went to Indonesia to begin his missionary work. |
Feb | 本堂聘请Pastor Alex Kowalenko为英文牧者。 Pastor Alex Kowalenko was appointed as the English pastor. |
16-18/04 | 在The Tops举办第十届家庭营,主题为“委身的生命”,讲员为郑智斌牧师,专题是“从圣经看天堂与地狱”,讲员为黄永森牧师,英文讲员是Pastor Dale Baikie与Pastor Alex Kowalenko。 The 10th Family Camp was held at The Tops Apr Conference Centre. The theme talk was “A Committed Life – Following Jesus Christ” by Rev Zhi Bin Zheng. Special topic was “What the Bible Says about Heaven and Hell” by Rev Dr Albert Wong. Pastor Dale Baikie and Alex Kowalenko were the English camp speakers. |
08/08 | 教堂扩建完工,并举行感恩庆典,夏长华会督主持祝福典礼。 A thanksgiving dinner was held for the completion of the church extension. We invited Bishop James Ha to conduct the blessing ceremony. |
2005 |
Feb | 本堂聘请Pastor David Macindoe为英文牧者. Pastor David Macindoe was appointed as the English pastor. |
22-24/04 | 在The Tops举办第十一届家庭营,主题为“扎稳根基,活出信仰”,专题是“情在人间”,讲员为刘利宇牧师,英文讲员是Pastor DaleBaikie与Pastor Alex Kowalenko。 The 11th Family Camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre. The theme talk “Building a Firm Foundation in Faith” and special talk “Restoring Relationship” were by Rev Timothy Lau. |
Aug | Pastor Alex Kowalenko告别悉尼前往葡萄牙作宣教士。 We bid farewell to Pastor Alex Kowalenko who went to Portugal for his missionary work. |
2006 |
成立英文堂青少年团契和青年团契。 REEF (Rebuke Extol Encourage in Fellowship) and CORE Fellowships were formed. |
21-24/04 | 在TheTops举办第十二届家庭营,主题为“重燃喜悦的生命”,专题是“举目观看,收割庄稼”,讲员为柯志鹏牧师,英文讲员是Pastor R Gray。 The 12th Family Camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre. The theme talk was “Reignite a Joyful Life” by the Chinese speaker Rev Charles Koh and special talk “Arise and Reap the Harvest” by the English speaker Pastor R Gray. |
2007 |
20-22/04 | 在The Tops举办第十三届家庭营,主题为“为主梦想”,专题是“从圣经神学探讨灵恩课题”,讲员为廖玉强牧师,英文讲员是Pastor K Coleman。 The 13th Family Camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre. The theme talk was “I Have a Dream” by Chinese speaker Rev Dr Y C Liong and English speaker Pastor K Coleman. |
Nov | 在The Tops举行牧师退修会、年议会、妇女和成团联合大会暨青年大会。 The Pastor Retreat, Annual Conference, Woman & Adult Conference and Youth Conference were held at the Tops Conference Centre. |
Dec | 黄永森牧师完成在悉尼的任期。 Rev Dr. Albert Wong finished his ministry in Sydney. |
2008 |
Jan | 官清忠传道合家从马来西亚前来救恩堂事奉。 Pastor Ching Jong Kwang and his family arrived in Sydney from Malaysia to serve in CMC. |
18-20/04 | 在Elanora举办第十四届家庭营,主题为“破碎自己,活出基督”,讲员为余翠婵牧师。专题讲员为官清忠传道,英文讲员是Sam Mak。 The 14th Family Camp was held at Elanora Conference Centre. The theme talk for English camp was “Don’t Fix It, Break It” by Sam Mak. The Chinese theme was “Die to Self, Live like Christ” by Rev Theresa Yu. Special topic talk speaker was Pastor Ching Jong Kwang. |
2009 |
Jan | 官清忠传道合家告别悉尼,前往阿德莱德圣恩堂事奉,林文光牧师抵达本堂为本堂主理牧师。 Pastor Ching Jong Kwang bid farewell to Sydney and was appointed to serve in Holy Church in Adelaide. Rev Gloria Ling was appointed the Minister-in-Charge in Carlton Church. |
Feb | 本堂成立祷告园。成立植堂委员会,植堂委员会选定悉尼西区作为植堂地点。 A prayer garden was formed. Feb A Church-planting Organising Committee was formed for Western Sydney. |
05/07 | 救恩堂租借悉尼西区Parramatta澳洲联合教会的教堂成立帕拉马塔布道站(PPP)。救恩堂主理牧师林文光牧师兼任PPP牧者。 CMC leased the Centenary Uniting Church, Parramatta to set up a Preaching Point called Parramatta Preaching Point (PPP). Rev Gloria Ling was the Minister-in-Charge for both CMC and PPP. |
2010 |
Jan | 本堂聘请Pastor Dale Baikie为英文牧者。 Pastor Dale Baikie was appointed as the English pastor. |
Jul | 正月教会图书馆中文书籍重新整编输入电脑。七月完成所有藏书电脑输入。 In January, all books in the church library were re-categorised and by July entries were completed in the church electronic catalogues. |
02-04/07 | 在The Tops举办第十五届家庭营,中文主题为“建立、事奉、布道”,讲员蔡宏基牧师。英文讲员为Ps Dale Baikie,主题是“Building a Healthy Church”。 The 15th Family Camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre. The theme talk was “Building a Healthy Church” by Chinese camp speaker Rev Chris Chua and the English camp speaker Pastor Dale Baikie. |
11/07 | 布道站一周年感恩纪念。 PPP held its first Thanksgiving Anniversary Service. |