2011 |
Feb | 年会差派张功荣传道牧养PPP布道站。 The Annual Conference appointed Pastor Kong Eing Tiong to serve in PPP. |
Mar | 教会开始了第一期“红本”门徒课程。之后又有“绿本”和“紫本”门徒栽培课程。 The church started the first “Red Book Discipleship” course followed by Green and Purple Discipleship courses. |
15-17/04 | 在The Tops举办第十六届家庭营,主题为“寻找与抉择”,讲员陈文礼牧师。英文讲员为Michael Leader,主题是“Knowing God”。 The 16th Family Camp was held at The Tops Apr Conference Centre. The Chinese theme talk was “Seeking God’s Will and Making Choices” by Rev Wesley Chen. The English theme talk was “Knowing God” by Michael Leader. |
Apr | PPP布道站成立儿童主日学及诗班。 PPP formed children Sunday school classes and a choir. |
22/09 | 救恩堂开始参与向外宣教事工,第一支10人短宣队,由张功荣传道带领远赴柬埔寨宣教。 The church had its first outreach mission. Pastor Kong Eing Tiong led a mission team of 10 people to Cambodia. |
19/11 | 救恩堂举行20周年感恩晚宴。 We held a 20th Anniversary thanksgiving dinner. |
20/11 | 感恩主日中英联合崇拜。同年,堂会聘请Pastor Ernest Chiang为本堂的英文堂牧者,Pastor Dale Baikie结束本堂牧养。 We had a 20th Anniversary & Thanksgiving Service. Reverend Ernest Chiang was appointed as the English pastor. Pastor Dale Baikie finished his tenure in Carlton Church. |
2012 |
08-11/07 | 教会第一届青年营在The Tops举行,主题为“孤单”,讲员是Ps Sam Mak,有70多位青少年参加。 Youth Camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre. The theme was “Loneliness” by Sam Mak. About 70 youths attended. |
09/12 | PPP委员就职,年会派司:林文光牧师,张功荣传道(PPP)。 PPP Committee was formed. Annual Conference appointed Rev Gloria Ling as Minister-in-Charge and Pastor Kong Eing Tiong to serve in PPP. |
2013 |
Jan | 本堂进行中国农历新年嘉年华街头摆摊布道。 A street stall for evangelism during Chinese Lunar New Year festival was set up in Hurstville. |
17/05 | 市议会批准了本堂建筑第二次扩建的申请。 The city council approved the application for the second extension. |
05-07/07 | 在The Tops举办第十七届家庭营,讲员是张顺牧师,主题为“点燃宣教的心”,专题讲员是刘韵舒师母。英文的主题为“Make It Count”,讲员是Pastor Graham Scott。 The 17th Family Camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre. The Chinese theme talk was “Ignite a Missional Heart” by Rev Shun Tiong and special talk by Mrs Tiong. The English theme topic was “Make It Count” by Pastor Graham Scott. |
29/12 | 同工和弟兄姐妹为张功荣传道一家举行送别会聚餐,因其调任布里斯班福恩堂。 A farewell dinner was held for Rev Kong Eing Tiong who left to serve in Eight Mile Plain Methodist Church in Brisbane. |
2014 |
Jan | 本堂在Hurstville进行中国农历新年嘉年华街头摆摊布道。 Jan A street stall for evangelism during Chinese Lunar New Year festival was set up in Hurstville. |
03-12/01 | 英文堂开始每年一次的Cowra短宣之旅。 The English team went on the annual Cowra mission trip. |
10-25/01 | 中英文堂联合组队参加了为期15天的南非短宣之旅。 A team from Carlton Church went on a 15-day short-term mission trip in South Africa. |
Feb | 本堂第二次扩建工程开工。七月教堂扩建完工。 The second church extension project began and was completed in July. |
05/07 | PPP五周年感恩纪念。 Parramatta Preaching Point held their 5th anniversary & thanksgiving service. |
23/11 | 举行23周年兼扩建献堂感恩。 23rd Anniversary and church extension thanksgiving ceremony were held. |
25-27/11 | 第七届卫理崇拜礼仪研讨会在悉尼Elanora Conference Centre举行,主题为“以道为中心的敬拜”,由张振忠牧师主讲。 25-27 Nov The 7th Methodist Liturgy Seminar was held at the Elanora Conference Centre in Sydney. The theme was “Logos Centred Worship” and the speaker was Rev Dr Chin Chung Chong. |
27-30/11 | 第十三届卫理年议会在悉尼Elanora Conference Centre举行。 The 13th Annual Conference was held at the Elanora Conference Centre. |
30/11-03/12 | 第十届卫理年会妇女成团联合退修会在Vision Valley Conference Centre举行,主题是“E-世代成年人的挑战”,讲员是许光福牧师。卫理青年大会同期在此举行,主题是“在基督里合一”。 The 10th AC Women Fellowship and Adult Fellowship combined Annual Retreat was held in the Vision Valley Conference Centre. The speaker was Rev Kong Hock Hii. The theme talk was “Challenges of E-generation”. The Methodist Youth Conference was held in Vision Valley Conference Centre. The theme talk was “Oneness in Christ”. |
2015 |
Jan | 林文光牧师告别悉尼,前往阿德莱德思恩堂事奉。年会委任邱品尧牧师为救恩堂代理牧师,李金龙传道为英文牧者,张济富传道为PPP传道。 We farewelled Rev Gloria Ling who went to serve in Goodwood Methodist Church in Adelaide. The Annual Conference appointed Rev Samuel Chiu as Supply Minister-in-Charge and Pastor Kam Lee as the English pastor in Carlton Church. Pastor David Tiong was appointed to serve in PPP. |
14/02 | 本堂在Hurstville进行中国农历新年嘉年华街头摆摊布道。 A street stall for evangelism during Chinese Lunar New Year festival was set up in Hurstville. |
28/03 | Ernest Chiang牧师结束英文堂的服事。 Rev. Ernest Chiang finished his service at CMC. |
03-10/07 | 差派李金龙传道带队参加年会短宣队,赴台湾宣教。 Pastor Kam Lee led a team to join AC Board of Mission Team on short mission in Taiwan. |
2016 |
04-14/07 | 张济富传道带队参加年会短宣队,赴台湾宣教。 Ps David Tiong led a mission team to Taiwan organised by Annual Conference. |
09/07 | 第二届夫妻恩爱成长营,一起学习建立爱的家。 |
07-09/10 | 在The Tops举行第十八届家庭营,中文主题为“灵命长大成熟”,讲员为方友义牧师;英文主题有“Set Apart”和“Born This Way”,讲员分别为Ps. Darwin Agahari和Steve Morrison。 The 18th Family Camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre. The Chinese theme was “Spiritual Growth and Maturity” by Rev Yu Ngee Houng. The English theme was “Set Apart” by Pastor Darwin Agahari and special talk “Born This Way” by Steve Morrison. |
12/11 | 举行25周年感恩午宴。 25th Anniversary thanksgiving luncheon. |
13/11 | 举行感恩崇拜。 Combined 25th Anniversary & Thanksgiving Service. |
2017 |
01/01 | PPP布道站成立堂会,正式 定名为佳恩堂。 Parramatta Preaching Point officially became a church – Redeemer Methodist Church. |
01-11/01 | 李金龙牧师带队远赴柬埔寨短宣。 Pastor Kam Lee led a team on a short mission in Cambodia. |
14-22/01 | 英文堂开始派遣短宣队赴Maitland地区宣教。 A youth team from English congregation went to Jan Maitland on a short-term mission. |
04/05 | 开始Mainly Music儿童音乐事工。 Started Mainly Music’s children’s music ministry. |
05-12/07 | 本堂派队参加年会在中国开展的儿童英语夏令营短宣。 The church sent a team to participate in the children’s English summer camp in China. |
2018 |
18-23/01 | 李金龙牧师远赴柬埔寨短宣。 Rev Kam Lee went to Cambodia on a short mission. |
11/02 | 年会通过童贵贞、许淑琳为本处传道。 Annual Conference approve Ruth Tong and Jennifer Zhang as the Local Preachers for CMC. |
20-22/04 | 第十九届家庭营在The Tops举行,中文主题为“建立健康教会,彼此相爱”,讲员为王连进牧师;英文主题为“Now and Not Yet”,讲员为Rev Matthew Moffitt。 The 19th Family Camp was held at The Tops Conference Centre. The Chinese theme was “Love Each Other, Build Up a Health Church” by Rev Paul Wong. The English theme was “Now and Not Yet” by Rev Matthew Moffitt. |
11/05 | 龙飘飘牧师诗歌见证分享会。主题:《人生车站》 |
04-12/07 | 差派短宣队远赴中国徐州和福州宣教,举办儿童英语营。 A mission team went to Xuzhou and Fuzhou, China to hold a children’s English camp. |
14-15/07 | 14/7:9am-3pm宣教研讨会研讨会。7pm-9pm宣教之夜。 15/7:主日宣教证道。讲员:庄信德牧师博士。 |
2019 |
01/01 | 邱品尧牧师结束任期,前往布里斯班主恩堂事奉,李金龙牧师被委任为本堂代理牧师,郑义强牧师被委任为本堂助理牧师。 We farewelled Rev Samuel Chiu who left to serve in Sherwood Methodist Church in Brisbane. Rev Kam Lee was appointed as Supply Minister-in-Charge and Rev Tony Tang was appointed as Assistant Minister. |
Mar | 教会开始大使命门徒训练系列栽培课程,第一期《新生命》课程开课;7月,第一期《新生活》课程开课。 The church began a series of Great Commission Disciple courses. The first “New Life” course started in March and the first “New Living” course started in July. |
Jun | 开始儿童领圣餐礼。 Children began to receive Holy Communion. |
30/06-08/07 | 李金龙牧师带领短宣队赴柬埔寨宣教。 Rev Kam Lee led a short-term mission team to Cambodia. |
Jul | 教会添置新音响系统。 Upgraded the PA system (a new mixer, wireless microphones & TV monitors). |
15/07 | 教会更换新中央空调系统。 Installed a new central air-conditioning system. |
25/07 | 双语布道培灵会。美化人生七个秘诀。讲员:李顺长博士。 Bilingual Evangelistic & Devotional Meeting. Seven Secrets of Beautifying Life. Speaker: Dr Gordon Lee. |
12/08 | 教堂重新上漆。 Re-painted the worship halls, Sunday school halls and classrooms. |
07/09 | 堂会诗班应邀赴崇真华人基督教会参与“爱的颂赞”音乐赞美会。 Our church choir was invited by Chung Chen Chinese Christian Church to join them in their “Praise of Love” Song and Praise night. |
25-29/09 | 21位弟兄姐妹赴堪培拉街头和大学院校布道。 21 brothers and sisters went to Canberra and local universities to do street evangelism. |
04/11 | 教会更新了八人座福音车,并于11月4日举行了新车奉献礼。 A dedication ceremony was held for a new 8-seater gospel van. |
2020 |
01/01 | 年会委任郑义强牧师为代理牧师。李金龙牧师结束任期,前往阿德莱德思恩堂事奉。 Rev Tony Tang was appointed as Supply Minister-in-Charge. We farewelled Rev Kam Lee who left to serve in Goodwood Methodist Church in Adelaide. |
Feb | 大使命门徒训练系列栽培课程第一期《门徒之道》课程开课。 The first session of “The Way of Discipleship” of the Great Commission discipleship training series began. |
26/02 | 首次举行圣灰日崇拜,更深体会神舍己的大爱。 A Holy Ash Wednesday service was held for the first time, to further remind us of Christ’s sacrificial love for us. |
01/03 | 为了大力拓展中英文的圣工,打开了中英文会堂之间的隔墙,首次分时间段进行中英文两场崇拜。崇拜时间改为中文堂早上8:45-10:15,英文堂早上11:00至中午12:15。 The partition wall between the Chinese and English halls was open to allow Chinese and English services to be held separately. The Chinese worship time is at 8:45am and English service is at 11am. |
29/03 | 因澳洲COVID-19疫情爆发,救恩堂各项事工从实体转至线上。 Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, physical services were suspended. All services, fellowships and meetings were held via online platforms. |
17-19/04 | 本年度家庭营因疫情影响而取消。 The April family camp was cancelled. |
05/07 | 本地疫情缓解,新州政府允许按照4平米一人的比例有限制地恢复聚会,本堂恢复实体崇拜并继续网上Zoom直播。 As the situation improved, the NSW government allowed churches to resume physical service with restriction 4 square meters per person. The church resumed physical worship and continued live streaming on Zoom. |
27/08 | 开启神学基金,鼓励并支持本堂全时间的神学生。 CMC Theological Education Scholarship Fund was established. Its aim is to encourage and support full-time theological students in CMC. |
27-28/11 | 第一次以线上形式召开第十九届年议会。 The 19th Session Annual Conference was held virtually via Zoom platform for the first time. |